What should I do to prepare for my tattoo appointment?

There are many things you can do to prepare for your appointment to ensure both you and your artist have the best experience:

1) Good Hygiene. Tattooing is an intimate experience between artist and client in which you often spend several hours very close to each other. It is important for your comfort and health to do your part to provide your artist a clean and healthy “canvas”.

2) Hydrate well the day before and day of your appointment! Your skin is the largest organ on your body. Your hydration level directly impacts the quality of your tattoo and the healing process.

3) Eat a healthy meal before your appointment. Tattooing is a taxing experience on your body and it will handle it the best if you give it some healthy energy.

4) Wear appropriate clothing that gives your tattoo artist access to the area where your piece will be placed. We will always be professional with your privacy in the studio, wearing the proper attire helps us with your privacy.

5) Healthy Skin. Ensure your skin is free of sunburn, open wounds, etc. We cannot tattoo skin with burns or abrasions. Also inform your artist of any birth control implants or other subcutaneous devices or objects. These will need to be avoided for your health.

6) Communication! Communication before, during and after your appointment is critical for the best tattoo experience. Communicate your feelings/expectations about your design so that your artist can produce the piece your dreaming of.

Waiting until the day of your appointment to change your design ENTIRELY is only going to succeed in frustrating your artist and diminishing the quality of your final piece. Respect your artist’s time, as they were likely up late the previous night designing your piece.

Having said that, never be afraid to communicate your feelings about your piece to the artist. We will never make you feel uncomfortable about speaking your mind. This is your tattoo and we want you to love your piece for a lifetime. Want your stencil moved or resized? That’s ok! Just speak up! That’s an easy thing to change. We can’t do much after it’s been tattooed.

Have questions/concerns about the healing process or any post tattoo processes? Feel free to reach out, we’ll respond as quickly as possible. We are a small community and look at our client base as family, not sheep. You will always be treated with respect and kindness.